1,“夏天出门,防晒霜比防晒霜还管用,直接变隐形人。”When going out in summer, sunscreen is even more useful than sunscreen, directly turning into an invisible person.

2,“这天气,我和冰淇淋的区别,就差根棍儿了。”In this weather, the difference between me and ice cream is just a stick.

3,“空调是我夏天的灵魂伴侣,离开它一秒都是异地恋。”Air conditioner is my soul mate in summer, leaving it for even a second is like a long-distance relationship.

4,“太阳:看我热情如火;我:看我晒得黢黑。”The sun: Look at me being passionate; I: Look at me getting tanned.

5,“夏天的记忆,除了热还是热,但空调wifi西瓜,是我唯一的救赎诗。”Memories of summer, nothing but heat, but air conditioner, wifi, and watermelon are my only poems of redemption.

6,“跪求老天下场雨,我这不是求雨,是在自救啊!”Begging God to rain, I'm not asking for rain, I'm saving myself!

7,“天气热到,我觉得自己随时能蒸发,成为别人朋友圈里的一缕‘轻烟’。”The weather is so hot that I feel like I can evaporate at any time and become a 'wisp of smoke' in other people's moments.

8,“别人问热不热,我说:‘我现在跟撒哈拉沙漠就差一瓶矿泉水了。’”When others ask if it's hot, I say: 'I'm now just one bottle of mineral water away from the Sahara Desert.

9,“夏天洗澡,进去是勇士,出来是熟人。”Taking a bath in summer, going in is a warrior, coming out is an acquaintance.

10,“这天气,我出门遛个狗,回来的是我和狗两条‘热狗’。”In this weather, when I go out to walk the dog, what comes back is me and the dog, two 'hot dogs'.